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Wischmann, S. et al. (2021): History re-written for children with hearing impairment

"A new generation of children with hearing impairment (HI) has emerged due to introduction of universal neonatal hearing screening, medical-surgical/technical and educational advances in the field of paediatric audiology."

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Percy-Smith, L. et al. (2021): Language Development for the New Generation of Children with Hearing Impairment

Den nye generation af børn med høretab har potentialet til at starte i skole, gennemføre en uddannelse og senere blive aktive deltagere på arbejdsmarkedet på lige vilkår med deres jævnaldrende normalthørende, lyder konklusionen i denne artikel i Journal of Clinical Medicine med Lone Percy-Smith som hovedforfatter. 

Vilkårene for børn med høretab er i dag væsentligt forbedret takket være den neonatale hørescreening, der gør, at børnene bliver fundet tidligt, og de tekniske og pædagogiske fremskridt i behandlingen og rehabiliteringen af børnene. 

"Descriptions and perceptions of children with HI (Hearing Impairment) need to be re-written, in order to meet the true needs of future generations of children and adolescents with HI." 

Artiklen kan læses her: 

Percy-Smith,L. et al. (2020): Evaluation of a sentence test in noise in children with hearing impairment

The introduction of universal neonatal hearing screening, digital hearing aids (HA) and cochlear implants (CI) for paediatric populations with hearing impairment (HI) has improved the life conditions for children with congenital HI. It has been documented that early intervention with fitting of HA by three months of age and enrolment in family-centred auditory verbal intervention by six months of age allow children to close the language gap and develop age equivalent language already at three years of age [1]. However, clinical experience has shown that sensory deprivation in the prenatal period can have a profound and permanent effect on the development on the entire central auditory system [2]. Therefore, it is important to keep monitoring paediatric populations with HI in terms of all aspects of audition and language development [3]. Listening and holding conversations in noisy environments represents a major problem for many people with HI [4]. Noisy environments are, nevertheless, part of children’s everyday school life and, therefore, it is of great interest to study how school-aged children with HI perform in noisy environments. Recent research has focused on cognitive hearing science and the cognitive energy involved in the listening process for populations with HI [5-7]. However, little is known about the “new” generation of children with HI with early identification of HI, early treatment with HA/CI and with intensive auditory verbal (re)habilitation. Will they encounter the same listening effort and fatigue as reported by adult populations with HI [6]? Most children with HI attend regular schools, where noise and distance to speakers are an inevitable part of a regular school day [8, 9].

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Dieleman, E. et al. (2019): Language outcome in children with congenital hearing impairment: The influence of etiology

Objectives: To investigate the possible association between the etiology of hearing impairment (HI) and language outcome in children with congenital HI after an early medical-technical intervention and three years of AVT.

Methods:  A retrospective, two-center study was conducted of 53 patients who were divided in four categories of etiology (degeneratio labyrinthi acustici (DLA) congenita hereditaria, DLA congenita non specificata, DLA congenita postinfectiosa and auditory neuropathy). Language outcome was assessed by examining receptive vocabulary (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-4), receptive language (Reynell test) and productive language (the Danish ‘Viborgmaterialet’). All tests were conducted 1, 2 and 3 years after the children received their hearing device. Test scores were calculated from the child’s chronological age. Analysis of possible associations was performed using Fisher’s exact test and McNemar’s test was conducted to examine possible differences between each year of testing for every speech-language test. Subsequently, univariate analyses were performed to search for other possible covariates associated with language outcome.

Results: No significant associations were found between the etiology of the HI and the language outcome of children with HI after 1 year of AVT (PPVT, p = 0,234; Reynell, p = 0,845; Viborgmaterialet, p = 0,667), neither after 2 years of AVT (PPVT, p = 0,228; Reynell, p = 0,172; Viborgmaterialet, p = 0,659) nor after 3 years of AVT (PPVT, p = 0,102; Reynell, p = 0,512 Viborgmaterialet, p = 0,580). Some significant associations were found between language outcome and the type of hearing device and between language outcome and additional disabilities, however no strong evidence was found.

Conclusion: Most children with congenital HI developed a comparable level of speech and language regardless of the etiology of their HI. This study highlights the interest of further research using objective assessments techniques in a larger and more homogeneous population. If the findings from this study will be confirmed in future studies, this will have a clinical and societal impact regarding the diagnostics of HI.

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Josvassen, J.L. et al. (2019): Parental Perceptions of Auditory-Verbal Therapy - A Longitudinal Study of Danish Children with Hearing Loss

Abstract: The present study was aimed at conducting parental evaluations of the auditory-verbal therapy approach (AVT) and to assess the relevance of this approach for children with hearing loss and their families in Denmark. The children’s social well-being was also investigated. Questionnaires were developed to evaluate parental perceptions of AVT. A standard questionnaire was used to evaluate the children’s social well-being, and the results were compared to a control group of children with typical hearing. Parents evaluated reasons for participating in the AVT project, perceived gain from AVT, their own skills, practicing AVT at home, hopes and beliefs for their child’s future, and the experience of participating in AVT. In order to monitor development over time, results were compared between year two and year three in a three-year AVT program. Most parents find participating in AVT rewarding and useful, but there are a few issues to be addressed. The Danish children in the AVT program are comparable to children with typical hearing in terms of level of social well-being.

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Percy-Smith, L. et al. (2018): Differences and similarities in early vocabulary development between children with hearing aids and children with cochlear implant enrolled in 3-year auditory verbal intervention

Har både børn med CI og børn med høreapparater gavn af 3 års AVT?

Effekten af AV-genoptræning er ikke tidligere blevet beskrevet i forhold til, om børn med lette til moderate høretab har samme intense behov for AV-genoptræning, som børn med CI har. Derfor sammenlignede forfatterne testscore hos børnene med høreapparater/bahs og børnene med CI for at se, om der var forskel på deres sproglige udbytte af AVT i de tre år, projektet varede. Resultaterne viste ingen signifikant forskel på ordforrådsudviklingen imellem de to børne grupper, men der var en signifikant forskel på hele gruppen af børn med høretab sammenlignet med børn med normal hørelse. 98,2% af familierne i projektet gennemførte alle tre år. Konklusionen var, at alle børn med høretab udvikler sig positivt over tre år med AVT – men de når ikke samme niveau som børn med normal hørelse. På denne baggrund er det relevant at tilbyde AVT i Danmark til alle børn med høretab uanset hvilken høreteknik, deres høretab er afhjulpet med. Det er netop det, der har været en realitet siden 2017, hvor det eksisterende 1-årige AVT-forløb til børn med CI blev udvidet til et 3-årigt tilbud og nu tilbydes en bredere målgruppe uanset høreteknik.

1-3-6 -  følger Danmark anbefalingerne?

Lone Percy-Smith og medforfattere undersøgte også neonatal hørescreening i forhold til retningslinjerne fra 1-3-6 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI). 1-3-6 betyder, at barnet skal være hørescreenet ved 1 måneds alderen, diagnosticeret ved 3 måneder, og ved 6 måneder skal der påbegyndes høreteknologisk behandling samt guidning af forældre. Resultaterne viste, at alle børn med høretab var både diagnosticeret og behandlet senere, end EHDI anbefaler. I gennemsnit blev børnene diagnosticeret med høretab ved 6 måneder, fik høreapparater ved 13 måneder og blev CI-implanteret ved 12 måneder. CI-børnene har påbegyndt høreapparat-behandling før implantationen, så i deres tilfælde er den første høreteknologiske behandling startet før 12 måneder (høreapparater for disse børn bruges til at stimulere hørenerven, men giver ikke adgang til sproglyde). Derimod kommer børnene med høreapparater først i gang med deres behandling 7 måneder for sent. Der er derfor behov for fremtidige større undersøgelser af, hvordan formålet med neonatal hørescreening egentlig opfyldes i Danmark.

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Percy-Smith, L. et al (2017): Auditory verbal habilitation is associated with improved outcome for children with cochlear implant

Artiklen præsenterer resultaterne at et studie, der anvender data fra AVT-projektet. Data omhandler 36 børn med CI, der har fået 3 års AVT-undervisning, og deres resultater bliver sammenlignet med en anden kohorte; 96 børn med CI, der har fået dansk standard-behandling. Resultaterne viser, at de børn, der har deltaget i det 3-årige AVT-forløb, klarer sig bedre i tale- og sprogtest end de øvrige børn. Studiet har undersøgt børnenes impressive og ekspressive ordforråd samt deres sprogforståelse.
AVT-projektet inkluderede børn med flere slags høreteknologier end CI, men denne artikel fokuserer på resultaterne for børn med CI.

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Decibels posters fra konferencer 

Sigtryggsdóttir, Kinimond Meier, Schiøth, Gormsen, Fogtmann Jensen, B. Slynge, Nissen: Patient Organisations Can Play a Major Role in Supporting Implementation of Real Change - Implementing a Rehabilitation for Children with Hearing Loss in Danish Hospitals (2023).

Denne poster blev præsenteret på EIE2023 - European Implementation Event 2023, i Basel, juni 2023.

Percy-Smith, Serafin, Kamper, Hutters, Reipur, Adjorlu, Sigtryggsdóttir, Hammer, Jantzen: LYT IGEN - VR and gamification to train spatial awareness (2022)

Denne poster blev præsenteret på NAS - Nordisk Audiologisk Selskabs konference i Odense, juni 2022.

Hallstrøm, Sigtryggsdóttir & Schiøth: Building a government financed Auditory Verbal Therapy programme in Denmark (2022)

Denne poster blev præsenteret på NAS - Nordisk Audiologisk Selskabs konference i Odense, juni 2022.


Hallstrøm & Sigtryggsdóttir: Building a government financed Auditory Verbal Therapy program in Denmark – a case study (2019)

Denne poster blev præsenteret på ESPCI - European Symposium of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation i Bukarest, oktober 2019. 

Wischmann: What can we expect from the new generation of children with Hearing Impairment? (2019)

Denne poster om de foreløbige resultater fra IHEAR - i skole med høretab blev præsenteret på ESPCI - European Symposium of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation i Bukarest, oktober 2019. 

Kepp: Assessments of music perception in pediatric population with hearing impairment and hearing 

technology. A Systematic Review (2018)

Denne poster blev præsenteret på 2nd Music and CI Symposium på Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, august 2018.